Teaching Interview Questions | Teacher Lecturer Job Interview Questions

  • Tell us the reason behind your decision to become a primary school teacher.
  • Why did you decide to become nursery teacher?
  • Why did you chose teaching as your career option?
  • What is it that you decided to become teacher and not looking for more greener pastures in corporate sector?
  • What is your teaching philosophy?
  • What is your teaching style?
  • Do you belive in teaching instructively or colloboratively?
  • What sort of discipline management you will bring in the class?
  • Are you comforatble in using different techonology aids like projector, 3D modelling etc?
  • How do you manage the balance in a class where students' caliber varies from a very dull student to a very bright student?
  • How will you boost the morale and confidence of your students?
  • How you can motivate the students for all round development?
  • Would you be happy to participate in after school activities?
  • How would you handle a class as a substitute teacher?
  • Can you handle a subject which is not your competency?
  • How do you handle classroom discipline?
  • Who is successful teacher in your opinion?
  • How would you describe a successful teacher/principal?
  • Whats your way to give feedback of a student to his/her parents?



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